Archive for the 'Health Care Reform' Category


We are Back From Taxpayer March on Washington DC 9/12

march 130America was definitely awake on September 12th as they marched down Pennsylvania Ave to the Capital.  I was fortunate to be there, and was shocked at the number of people there. I should not be shocked because I limit myself to mainstream media and the lies they tell about us being the minority. I knew we were the silent majority, but we are silent no more.  Unfortunately the President didn’t stick around because he is still on the campaign trail. Campaigning for Obamacare that is.

First, let me share with you what was used to ‘count’ the people at Obama’s inauguration earlier this year.  This is from USA Today.

schem3We filled up this area, plus some. In fact, many people were still up and down Pennsylvania Ave, which you do not see in this picture.

Below are photos I took.
march 123

The sign with Martin Luther King, Jr spoke volumes to me. I keep hearing we are racist. But I voted for content of character, not color of skin. You cannot see all of this sign, but it says “He had a dream, We got a nightmare” That about sums it up for me. MLK would have been marching with us, because he looked on the inside, not the outside.  As one speaker said, 97% of the black population voted for Obama. But 1/2 of the white population split their vote. Now you tell me, who voted because of skin color?march 127march 119
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Angela McGlowanStephen Baldwin

Angela McGlowan and Stephen Baldwin

We were on the lawn at the capital, so were able to see all the speakers very well. All of them were powerful!

Looking down the mall, covered with people. Only a "few thousand"? Really??

Looking down the mall, covered with people. Only a "few thousand"? Really??

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This poster says it all. Why don't people get that?

"Notice the 15-20 people in this pic?" (in my best ABC reporter voice)

"Notice the 15-20 people in this pic?" (in my best ABC reporter voice)

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march 184

capitol view lo res


North Carolina – Where to Meet for 9.12 March on Washington!

Per the 9.12 Website:

Here is the order that we put together for this. The states in front were chosen because of their willingness to help lead the march and manage the crowd.

Georgia (led by the Grand Isle Tea Party and the revolutionary war re-enactors)
Florida (led by Tom Gaitens)
Pennsylvania (led by Diana Reimer)
North Carolina (led by Allen Page)

And per Randy at RandysRight

WE will be gathering near the fountain on the 14th street side of Freedom Plaza.
Look for the NC flags flying above the crowd.
We will probably get there at about the same time 8am 9/12/09
NC is marching 4th, as a state, in recognition of our efforts.  After us, everyone else will be marching alphabetically, by state.

Countdown to the March on Washington 9.12 – Calling all Patriots!

I am getting excited. One week from today I will be traveling to DC to give a voice to the ‘silent majority’. I, along with tens of thousands of others, will march down Pennsylvania Avenue to the US Capitol.

Contrary to the belief of some who think we are racist, anti-Obama Republicans, I am doing this FOR my children and FOR my country. Unfortuntately some people just choose to remain prideful and not educate themselves on what is happening to this great nation of ours.

I am going to Washington because I protest the huge government spending. The insane concept that you borrow money to get out of debt. The removal of God from everything (well, unless you need to invoke His name to pass your own liberal agenda then I guess it is acceptable). The underhanded indoctrination of our youth. The appointment of radicals that are not accountable to anyone.

I am angry, I am informed, I am passionate, and I am Patriotic. I know in my heart God’s plan, as outlined clearly in the Bible, but I want my road to that Gloriously Place to be as comfortable for my children as can be.  And I do not want to be persecuted for telling others about His saving Grace which is the next step of this administration.


Obama Really Does think He is the Messiah, And this is Scary

Obama called on religious leaders yesterday wanting them to actually preach from the pulpit about Healthcare Reform. Apparently separation of church and state means no God in schools, government buildings, the White House however it is okay to bring the President’s agenda into the church. And I’m sure many preachers will oblige.  

However, what is frightening is Obama used scripture to support his lies. Just like he used the Koran when speaking in Egypt on his “apology tour” through the middle east.

Obama stated it is a moral responsibility to cover uninsured. That “we are our brother’s keeper”  Why is it Obama gets to decide what is moral? I thought God decided and we followed? Because apparently abortion is okay per Obama, it’s in the bill.  And lying is also okay because he does it effortlessly.

Obama also stated those of us against his plan are “bearing false witness”. He says we are spreading lies when we actually read the bill he himself has not read, and point out items we do not agree with. That is what he defines as a lie.

Obama also stated “We are God’s partners in matters of life and death”. Well, this is just another statement that makes me realize he’s not a Bible believing Christian. Because anybody that has read their Bible knows we are NOT God’s partners or equals in anything!

No, Mr Obama, you are not God’s partner either. You are just a servant of Satan.


Liberals Turning on Their Leader? You Must Watch This Hilarious Jon Stewart Video

I couldn’t have said it better myself.


Is Co-Op just Public Health Care by Another Name?

It seems the Obama administration might be a little more concerned with the opinions of the majority of the country than he has let on when we say we do not want public healthcare.  Because of his arroagance and refusal to answer point blank questions at stacked townhall meetings, people are starting to see through his facade.  It still amazes me that he thinks we are so stupid we do not know he screens the people that attend his meetings. He has to be the absolute biggest lily-livered President in history.  He doesn’t have the patience, intelligence or courage to answer tough questions from those who oppose him.

So the new term being thrown around is Co-Op’s. Generally Co-Op’s are non-profit. They are defined as “an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise”.

However, according to Peter Johnson, Jr from Fox & Friends, this is just a “quasi” public option.  And when it comes to who receives services, there is a cost benefit analysis. This means there is a formula that takes into account the cost of the procedure and the age of the patient, and then determines if the procedure is beneficial.

Peter also stated co-ops use certain code language that talks about QALYS. This is an acronym for Quality Adjusted Life Years.  It is used in assessing the value for money of a medical intervention.

So it sounds like you still have a “panel” dictating if you are worthy of a procedure. I bet we have the exact same 1000 page bill, but replace the word ‘public option’ with ‘co-op’.

And according to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Co-Ops are a public option. In July he stated a system of nonprofit cooperatives could pass as a “public option,” or government-run health care, depending on how they are set up.  “We’re going to have some type of public option, call it ‘co-op’, call it what you want.

Maybe this is what the administration wanted all along. So they pushed the public option and ticked everybody off, and now are seemingly stepping back saying they will compromise with co-ops, when that was their plan the entire time. Because nothing is clear or transparent about this administration. It’s a guessing game.


Rep David Price; Uninformed, Unintellingent, Uncaring & Will Be Voted Out!

David Price had a townhall meeting last night in Durham. I was unable to go, but considering I’m being called a racist because I do not want the government in my business forcing what they believe is the best for me, then it’s probably good I stayed home this time.

Apparently it was heated on both sides at this mob gathering of stay-at-home moms, small business owners and ACORN thugs. But one thing really made my blood boil after reading a recap of events last night.

Price told the crowd he supports many of the President Barack Obama’s proposals including publicly funded insurance option that would compete with private insurance companies.

Opponents took issue with his view including one attendee who asked why it was the government’s business that she has insurance? Price said it was the government’s business because taxpayers would pay the bill if she got sick.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? And who does he think is going to pay for the “free” insurance? Are our representatives so arrogant and out of touch that they want us to believe it is free healthcare for all? People use your heads! WAKE UP!

The fact remains those of us that have health insurance want to keep our insurance, and want to continue to pay our co-pays and deductibles if it means we get quality care and no rationing.  YES, we need change. We need tort reform. But Obama will not go for that when trial attorneys are primary contributors to the Democrats. But Price is either just stupid and doesn’t know anything about the HC bill and proposed reform; or he is intentionally misleading people so they agree with him. I should not be surprised, he learned it from the master. King Obama.

Both of them are pathetic.


Blantant Lies by Obama to Deceive and Manipulate and Control

He has done it again folks! He has distorted, distracted, and even used a little girl to help him. Is there anything he will NOT do?

There was a little girl today at the town hall Obama hosted who was called on to ask a question. She seemed a little nervous, but sweetly asked “How do kids know what is true, and why do people want a new system that can — that help more of us?”

Obama responded by ….well basically by blaming the Republicans for everything. That is pretty much the blanket answer to every question ever asked anyway. But later in the sitcom…I mean townhall, Obama commented that there were no plants in the audience and he didn’t want anyone to think there were. So I guess the little girl and her mom just forgot they knew the POTUS. Funny how that happens, huh?girl2

Here is a picture of the little girl’s mom (who sat next to her at the townhall) with Obama that is on her facebook page.

And, it seems Mommy’s law firm has donated tons of money to Obama’s campaign.  I am so glad we have transparency with him. It makes me all tingly inside.

And what else…OH YEAH, he said today ““The AARP would not be endorsing a bill if it was undermining Medicare.” when asked about the effects this bill would have to Medicare recipients.  However, the AARP has not endorsed this plan at all. Obama WANTS them to, and since he bullies people with his Chicago mob tactics into getting what he wants, he states it as fact. Who needs the truth anyway?

And the lie that we will have public option. When you have a public option that is subsidized by the government, how can the private industry compete with that? And when you have the public option that does not have to show a profit, again, how does the private industry compete? You see, there may be the public OPTION, but after the private companies go out of business the option becomes the only choice. And the President knows this, it is his goal.


No more Lobbyists? Transparency? WHERE?

The only transparency I see is the blatant corruption in the White House. I have never seen mind control and cult-like tactics being used to the extent they are so rampantly used now. If previous administrations were this corrupt, it wasn’t as transparent. Or maybe I just didn’t pay attention. But never were the consequences as detrimental as they will be if Obama gets what he wants.

During the election, the following was said:

“Barack Obama has pledged to change the way Washington works and to curb the influence of lobbyists,” John Podesta, co-chairman of Obama’s transition team, told reporters. “We are announcing rules that are the strictest, the most far-reaching ethics rules of any transition team in history.”

But now the drug industry is backing Obama. $150 million is not the only money the drug industry has given all in the name of Reform. It has already contributed an untold amount through advocacy groups such as Families USA and Healthy Economies Now.

He said no more lobbyists. But really, how can you be an effectively corrupt president if you don’t have lobbyists around you? And communists. And racists. And Nancy Pelosi….


Easier For a Leopard to Change His Spots? Brad Miller and Jesus

I was able to attend a rally at Rep. Brad Miller’s office this past weekend and saw first hand the passion, dedication, concern and frustration that people are feeling. The most recent report I read said there were about 685 people there ranging from infant age  to a very elderly man in a wheelchair.  Conversations varied from concern over rationing, to increased taxes, to eventual complete takeover by the government.

As cars drove by they would honk and wave and show support. We stood there for two hours hoping and praying our elected officials would hear us, and see we were all regular people, not manufactured. From the stay at home mom who stood next to the trial attorney. And the small business owner talking to the college kid. Everyone is praying for the best, anticipating the worst from the abomination that is now our government.

But we are still dedicated and persistant, refusing to give up. Hoping that just one person in Congress will see us for who we are and know we are not a mob and we are not extremists.

And even though Brad Miller refused to listen or even bend on his staunch support of Obamacare, we are still determined to be heard.

This morning as I was getting ready for church I was thinking, what if Christians started rallying and demonstrating for Jesus Christ? What if we lined streets on a Friday night with signs reading how much we love Him? What impact could we have?  Sure, people would think we were nuts, and would call us extremists. They would say we are ‘Jesus Freaks’. But how is it any different than what we are doing now? Why do we ‘average Joe’s take time off work or take time away from family & friends to voice our concerns about the way our country is going, yet  not have the desire to share Christ with the same zeal?  It isn’t my job to get  people to Heaven, or to change their heart. It’s just my job to tell them about Jesus. He does the persuading, not me.  If you think about it, it’s probably easier to “sell” Jesus to America than it is to change Brad Miller.

Jeremiah 13:23   Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots?
Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil.

Past Thoughts

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