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We are Back From Taxpayer March on Washington DC 9/12

march 130America was definitely awake on September 12th as they marched down Pennsylvania Ave to the Capital.  I was fortunate to be there, and was shocked at the number of people there. I should not be shocked because I limit myself to mainstream media and the lies they tell about us being the minority. I knew we were the silent majority, but we are silent no more.  Unfortunately the President didn’t stick around because he is still on the campaign trail. Campaigning for Obamacare that is.

First, let me share with you what was used to ‘count’ the people at Obama’s inauguration earlier this year.  This is from USA Today.

schem3We filled up this area, plus some. In fact, many people were still up and down Pennsylvania Ave, which you do not see in this picture.

Below are photos I took.
march 123

The sign with Martin Luther King, Jr spoke volumes to me. I keep hearing we are racist. But I voted for content of character, not color of skin. You cannot see all of this sign, but it says “He had a dream, We got a nightmare” That about sums it up for me. MLK would have been marching with us, because he looked on the inside, not the outside.  As one speaker said, 97% of the black population voted for Obama. But 1/2 of the white population split their vote. Now you tell me, who voted because of skin color?march 127march 119
march 134
march 150

Angela McGlowanStephen Baldwin

Angela McGlowan and Stephen Baldwin

We were on the lawn at the capital, so were able to see all the speakers very well. All of them were powerful!

Looking down the mall, covered with people. Only a "few thousand"? Really??

Looking down the mall, covered with people. Only a "few thousand"? Really??

march 175

This poster says it all. Why don't people get that?

"Notice the 15-20 people in this pic?" (in my best ABC reporter voice)

"Notice the 15-20 people in this pic?" (in my best ABC reporter voice)

march 185
march 184

capitol view lo res


Adopt Tactics of the Left and You Are a


Secret US-Israeli Meeting to Focus on Iran?

According to an Iranian website I was just reading, Israel is preparing to attack Iran. This has so many meaning, consequences, and is another step in the fulfillment of scripture. Here is some info released about an hour ago.

Amid reports that Israel is preparing to bomb Iranian nuclear sites, political heavyweights in Washington and Tel Aviv make plans for a secret get-together.

Ria Novosti reported on Friday that US Defense Secretary Robert Gates is planning to visit Tel Aviv within the next two weeks to discuss a whole range of international issues, including Tehran’s nuclear case, in secret meetings with the Netanyahu government.

The secret meetings come at a time when two Israeli warships, the Hanit and the Eliat, sailed through the Suez Canal within cruise-missile range of Iran earlier in the week.

A senior Israeli defense official  said the move should be seen as serious preparations for a long-expected Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear sites. “This is preparation that should be taken seriously. Israel is investing time in preparing itself for the complexity of an attack on Iran,” said the Israeli defense official, who was speaking on condition of anonymity.

The move came ten days after a submarine — believed to be nuclear-armed — made a similar crossing and headed from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has brought Israel closer to war with Iran, ever-since he made his politiical comeback in February.

Washington has so far remained undecided in its response to speculations that Israel is gearing up for go-it-alone air strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities.

Vice President Joe Biden, in a recent interview, openly suggested that Washington would not stand in the way of an Israeli attack on Iran.


Bidenism of the Day

In case you do not know what a Bidenism is, I will tell you.  A Bidenism is an ill-advised and unrestrained gaffe (or when a politician accidently tells the truth) from our Vice President, Joe Biden. Oh, and it is always HILARIOUS. He is THE best thing about this administration. And possibly the scariest.

Joe spoke at a townhall meeting today and said this:

“We’re going to go bankrupt as a nation,” Biden said. ‘What are you talking about, you’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt? The answer is yes, I’m telling you.”

I have no words………


Ford versus Government Motors

they support our troops


Why Do We Define Death

as the absence of a heartbeat and/or brainwaves, yet we do not define life as the presence of these things? This was a rhetorical question asked of Judge Sotomayor today by Sen Coburn (R-OK). Ponder that.

And I have a question. When discussing the current economic issues, why do some people qualify their discussions with examples of how previous administrations failed? Why can’t we just stick to the topic and concede nobody is perfect?

Why do some people think health care coverage is a right, or individual entitlement, but then questions the Second Amendment of our Constitution which secures an individual’s right to keep and bear arms?


Rick Warren…but WHY?


Rick Warren, Speech

I am linking to two blog posts about Rick Warren. You know, the famous preacher who wrote the Purpose Driven Life. The same one who spoke at Obama’s inaugural. The same one I respected very much. But now I am discouraged.  Another article states:

Rick Warren spoke to 8000 Muslim listeners at the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America and said, “Muslims and Christians can work together for the common good without compromising my convictions or your convictions. I am not interested in interfaith dialogue but interfaith projects.”  Rick Warren is putting works first and faith second. According to the Bible in James 2:14-26, works should follow a person’s faith.   
According to the book of James, true faith is believing the exclusive claims of Christ and not putting faith behind works. Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven according to the Bible. As we share this truth with the world, we should then do good works.
I am not sure why I am even surprised though. Our own churches are not preaching salvation anymore. Why? Are we scared to step on toes? Are we scared we are going to offend others? Now, more than ever, people need to hear the truth. Not all of these feel good sermons that barely scratch the surface.

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